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L'impératif: the imperative in French
This means that for -er and -re verbs and irregular verbs we add -ez, and for -ir verbs that are conjugated like finir we add -issez. The pronoun (vous) is  »
Can modal verbs be in imperative form in German grammar? - Quora
Mar 14, 2021 In a German sentence with a modal verb, such as “must eat”, does the second verb always come at the end of the sentence, as in, “Er muss das  »
The German Imperative (der Imperativ) | GermanAtHome
er/sie/es, macht, ✖️. wir, machen The prefix is typically moved to the end of the sentence or phrase when using separable verbs in the imperative form. »
Verb Conjugations - German With Laura
May 13, 2023 For example, if I want to say “he hears”, I know I need the pronoun 'er' and the verb 'hören'. Imperative (Imperativ). The imperative  »
German Lesen Conjugation - How It's Used, Examples, And More
Jul 7, 2023 er / sie / es liest', 'wir lesen', 'ihr lest', and 'sie lesen Imperative (Imperativ). The imperative mood is used in both English  »
Magento / - "Credit card type is not allowed for this ...
Dec 18, 2012 1 Answer 1 This typically means the the account was set up as card present instead of card not present. Having the account changed to the  »
Battre - French Verb Conjugations
Battre – to beat, to defeat. French Verb Conjugations. Present · Imperfect Past imperative. vous, battîtes, eûtes battu, (tu), aie battu, Past infinitive. ils  »
Grammar Review
by Bruce Duncan. Lehrer. Nouns and Pronouns, Verb Tenses, Moods, Voices, etc. Word Order, Modifiers, Other Features. Genders and Plurals · Present · Imperative  »
German Verb Conjugation | Lingvist
er/sie/es wird – he/she/it becomes. wir werden – we become. ihr werdet Imperativ Präsens (Present Imperative). Verb: essen (to eat). Iss mehr Wurst  »
abandon scolaire | GDT
Définition : Fait, pour un élève, de quitter l'école sans avoir obtenu un diplôme d'études secondaires ni une autre qualification. Termes privilégiés  »