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[Linear morphea in saber coup: about a case]
Linear morphea in coup de sabre is a dermatological entity characterized by progressive, sclerosing inflammation of the skin tissue in the frontal region
Phase 2 Trial of the DPP-1 Inhibitor Brensocatib in Bronchiectasis ...
In this trial, we found that brensocatib prolonged the time to the first exacerbation and led to a lower frequency of exacerbations than placebo in patients
Psoriatic Arthritis | Johns Hopkins Medicine
Psoriatic arthritis is a form of arthritis associated with psoriasis. Psoriasis is a chronic skin and nail disease. It causes red, scaly rashes and thick,
Eczematous cheilitis | DermNet
Eczematous cheilitis is inflammation of the lips presenting as redness with dryness and scaling. It may also be called lip dermatitis. The lips may be divided
Durvalumab (Imfinzi) | Cancer information | Cancer Research UK
This treatment affects the immune system. This may cause inflammation in different parts of the body which can cause serious side effects. They could happen
Dilatation des bronches - Bronchiectasie - CHUV
Mar 21, 2019 La bronchiectasie est une destruction et un élargissement anormaux des bronches dus à une inflammation ou une infection chronique. Les voies
Eczematous Dermatitis? | JAMA Dermatology | JAMA Network
What is eczematous dermatitis? We were taught that neither eczema nor dermatitis is a specific diagnosis. Also, although some authors use eczema for diseases
Morphea: The 2023 update - PMC
Feb 13, 2023 Linear scleroderma is characterized by linear or band-like localized lesions that can affect the dermis, subcutaneous tissue, muscles as well as