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Nozima Davletova (@DavletovaNozima) / X
Central Asian. Cosmopolitan. Feminist. »
Nozima Davletova (@DavletovaNozima) / X
Nozima Davletova's posts held a productive meeting during #CPD57. Concrete areas of coop/to support 's dvlp strategy by investing in human capital and  »
Le solaire photovoltaïque - Site énergie du Service public de Wallonie
Vous souhaitez installer des panneaux solaires photovoltaïques. Nous vous 5100 Jambes, Belgique. Introduire une plainte et déclaration de service  »
Alexandra House | Service, Advocacy & Emergency Shelter
LiveChat or Call our 24/7 Helpline: 763.780.2330. Alexandra House's helpline is answered by trained advocates who provide support, resources, and referrals for  »
Roblox Community Standards – Roblox Support
Threatening others with real-world or online harm, inciting violence against people or property, bullying, stalking, trolling, harassment, intimidation,  »
Fani T. Willis (@FaniforDA) / X
District Attorney Fani T. Willis and the Fulton County District Attorney's Office wishes everyone celebrating a very happy #Holi! »
blasphemy and beauty - by Amar D. Peterman
Sep 13, 2022 To blaspheme, I believe, is to appropriate the essence and will of God to our self-interest. It is to act out of malice, violence, hatred, and  »
Signification de la Grande Prêtresse – La Papesse dans le Tarot
La Papesse représente également une relation intense, profonde entre deux êtres qui se comprennent et se complètent parfaitement. Les deux partenaires  »
Fen Hampson (@fenhampson) / X
Chancellor's Professor & Professor of International Affairs, Carleton University; President, World Refugee and Migration Council. »
J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) / X
How do I know the earth's a globe, when I've never seen it from space? How do I know I can't fly, when I've never jumped off a skyscraper? How do I know I'm not  »